Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Traffic is a state of mind.

It was a really bad day on the roads today - car packed with pre-pubescent girls with no volume control took a whole hour to travel the eight kilometres to work. Some poor hapless soul collided in peak traffic and so began the impatient snake of which my fun-wagon was but a tardy scale, trapped. As if to a struggling dysfunctional learner, the lesson was repeated on the way home from work, but apparently this time it was twelve hapless souls getting acquainted.

Search to the left, search to right - there must be some way to circumvent the jam. I cannot sit, passive while my life continues elsewhere without me.

And so the realisation: "You're in the traffic, so, you're in the traffic". From past experience the flight or avoidance tactic has often necessitated me reaching my destination after my allocated spot in the jam has dissipated, or traversed the place that would have been my original goal. Often the best place to be is in the traffic. Ultimately you will reach your destination, often at a greater pace than our well conceived, spur of the moment, makeshift solutions allow us.

A contemporary of mine from school has posted the pictures of his life from the last few years, as we are all prone to do. They ranged from London to Ibiza to skiing in the Alps. Beautiful locations, beautiful people, beautiful life. I kid you not, someone actually wrote that they would love to live his life. It would appear that he transcends the traffic. And yet, I sit bumper to bumper in just the right spot.

We get to nudge each other forward on a daily basis, hoping that we are all travelling in the same direction. As the traffic slows, I am able to see the people around me and really make eye contact, and smile.

So, you're in the traffic - I'll bet that you're in the traffic with exactly the right people that God, Almighty God in all his wisdom, wants you to nudge forward; and smile at; and prefer, giving them right of way. It's really slow for a reason: so that we can make eye contact, and wonder about on another, and care about one another.

I love the traffic - it's where I'm supposed to be.

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